Monthly Archives: May 2012

Positive Response from Bolton Highway Authority

About 10 days ago, I wrote an open letter to Bolton’s Highway Authority, and emailed their general email address along with copies to a highway engineer that I had previously corresponded with on the matter, and to my local councillor. … Continue reading

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IAM’s Misuse of Dodgy Statistics

Yesterday, there was a furore among the cycling community about a press release that had been issued to the press by the Institute of Advanced Motorists as a result of a SurveyMonkey survey that had been carried out. The survey … Continue reading

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Open Letter Bolton Highway Authority

Dear Bolton Highway Authority, SUB-STANDARD CYCLE LANES IN BOLTON In August 2011, I wrote to Bolton Streetcare, pointing out a number of issues regarding the poor standard of cycle lanes in Bolton, particular on my commuter route from Astley Bridge … Continue reading

Posted in Article, Bolton, Space for Cycling | Leave a comment

Why do you … ride in the middle of the lane past Topp Way

This is the approach to the junction between Higher Bridge Street and Topp Way in Bolton. It is a tricky junction because it is very busy, it involves climbing a fairly steep hill on the approach, it has a very … Continue reading

Posted in Article, Bolton, Safe Cycling, Why do you...? | Leave a comment