As a result of the report produced by the ‘Get Britain Cycling’ inquiry, and the online petition that was raised to promote it, there will be a debate in the House of Commons to debate the findings set out in that report. The Times newspaper, which sponsored the inquiry and report, is asking people to write to their MP to request that they attend this debate. The related Times web page provides a form to help you to do that easily.
Here is the letter I wrote to my own MP:
Friday 19 July 2013
Dear David Crausby,
I am writing to request that you attend and participate in the Parliamentary ‘Get Britain Cycling’ debate in the House of Commons on September 2nd 2013. This debate has been called to consider the excellent report of the same name, produced from an inquiry conducted earlier this year by the All-Party Parliamentary Cycling Group.
According to the 2011 census, of the Bolton residents who travel to work, only 1.08% do so by bicycle. This is compared to 2.2% across Greater Manchester and 3.12% across England. This is against a background of growing problems of obesity (see the Government’s own report published in 2011:, rising road congestion, pollution, and all of the health and economic problems these issues cause.
It is difficult to assess the potential demand for cycling as a means of transport should the roads be made more amenable to this. However, the fact that thousands participated in the recent Bolton SkyRide suggests that significant numbers of residents are keen to get on their bikes if they are given a context in which they are able to feel safe doing so.
The aim expressed in the report is to increase cycle use from less than 2 per cent of journeys in 2011, to 10 per cent of all journeys in 2025, and 25 per cent by 2050. Whilst this is a relatively unambitious target compared to, for example, Denmark or The Netherlands, it would nevertheless make a huge difference in relation to the problems I mentioned above. To make this possible will require serious commitment from all levels of Government, and your support could help to achieve this. I would be very pleased to discuss these matters with you prior to the debate, and would recommend that you have a look at the summary of the report, which may be found at this World-Wide Web address:
Yours sincerely,
The more people that write, the more likely the debate will be to have a good attendance, which is important if the Get Britain Cycling inquiry is not to be wasted, so please follow the link I provided above and get writing.